Gospel Meetings

Gospel Meetings


Displaying 41 - 60 of 238

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
04/04/22 Disciples Must Be Religiously Narrow-Minded Jason Shackleford Diligent Discipleship Gospel Meeting 2022_4_4_ShacklefordJason_DisciplesMustBeReligiouslyNarrowMinded.mp3
04/03/22 Disciples Must Be Doers of the Word Jason Shackleford Diligent Discipleship Gospel Meeting 2022_4_3_ShacklefordJason_DisciplesMustBeDoersoftheWord.mp3
04/03/22 Disciples Must Have the Proper Outlook Jason Shackleford Diligent Discipleship Gospel Meeting 2022_4_3_ShacklefordJason_DisciplesMustHavetheProperOutlook.mp3
04/03/22 Disciples Must Have the Proper Attitude Jason Shackleford Diligent Discipleship Gospel Meeting 2022_4_3_ShacklefordJason_DisciplesMustHavetheProperAttitude.mp3
02/20/22 The Unscientific Nature of Darwinian Evolution Dr. Joshua Gurtler Darwinian Evolution v. Biblical Faith Gospel Meeting 2022.02.20_PM_NeoDarwinianEvolutionIsUnscientific_JoshuaGurter.mp3
02/20/22 Maintaining Biblical Faith in a Humanistic Society Dr. Joshua Gurtler Darwinian Evolution v. Biblical Faith Gospel Meeting 2022.02.20_MaintainingBiblicalFaithInAHumanisticSociety_JoshuaGurter.mp3
02/20/22 Evolutionary Myths Still Taught in Public Schools Dr. Joshua Gurtler Darwinian Evolution v. Biblical Faith Gospel Meeting 2022.02.20_EvolutionaryMythsStillTaughtinPublicSchools_JoshuaGurter.mp3
02/19/22 Darwinian Evolution vs Biblical Faith Dr. Joshua Gurtler Darwinian Evolution v. Biblical Faith Gospel Meeting 2022.02.19_PM_DarwinianEvolutionVsBiblicalFaith_JoshuaGurtler.mp3
02/19/22 Background to Darwinian Evolution and Created Kinds Dr. Joshua Gurtler Darwinian Evolution v. Biblical Faith Gospel Meeting 2022.02.19_AM_BackgroundToDarwinianEvolutionAndCreatedKinds_JoshuaGurter.mp3
07/23/21 The Conversion of Saul of Tarsus J.R. Bronger J.R. Bronger 2021 Gospel Meeting 2021_07_23_FriPM_BrongerJR_ConversionOfSaulOfTarsus.mp3
07/22/21 When the Thorn is Not Removed J.R. Bronger J.R. Bronger 2021 Gospel Meeting 2021_07_22_ThursPM_BrongerJR_WhenTheThornIsNotRemoved.mp3
07/21/21 Hardening Pharaoh's Heart J.R. Bronger J.R. Bronger 2021 Gospel Meeting 2021_07_21_WedPM_BrongerJR_HardeningPharaohsHeart.mp3
07/20/21 Why The World Hates Christians J.R. Bronger J.R. Bronger 2021 Gospel Meeting 2021_07_20_TuesPM_BrongerJR_WhytheworldhatesChristians.mp3
07/19/21 Running the Race Set Before Us J.R. Bronger J.R. Bronger 2021 Gospel Meeting 2021_07_19_MonPM_BrongerJR_RunningtheRaceSetBeforeUs.mp3
07/18/21 Loving My Neighbor J.R. Bronger J.R. Bronger 2021 Gospel Meeting 2021_07_18_SunPM_BrongerJR_LovingMyNeighbor.mp3
07/18/21 God is Getting a Bad Reputation J.R. Bronger J.R. Bronger 2021 Gospel Meeting 2021_07_18_SunAM_BrongerJR_GodisGettingabadReputation.mp3
04/07/21 Time To Bail Lance Blackburn Lance Blackburn 2021 Gospel Meeting 2021_04_07_WedPM_BlackburnLance_TimeToBail.mp3
04/06/21 Lessons From A Garden Lance Blackburn Lance Blackburn 2021 Gospel Meeting 2021_04_06_TuesPM_BlackburnLance_LessonsFromAGarden.mp3
04/05/21 Apology Not Explanation Lance Blackburn Lance Blackburn 2021 Gospel Meeting 2021_04_05_MonPM_BlackburnLance_ApologyNotExplanation.mp3
04/04/21 A Bitter Root Produces Bitter Fruit Lance Blackburn Lance Blackburn 2021 Sun AM 2021_04_04_SunAM_BlackburnLance_ABitterRootProducesBitterFruit.mp3

Displaying 41 - 60 of 238

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